Looking to control the acoustics in your studio? So were we when we built our first bass trap. We had extras and listed them on craigslist, and they sold like hotcakes. Since there was a market for affordable yet effective sound absorption materiels, it made sense to fill the need for our customers. Enter Mixmastered Acoustics. At 4 inches thick, these thicker...
Read MoreHow do you put Auralex Studiofoam sound panels on the wall without ruining the wall? I am installing foam panels and sound in my recording studio, but I I do not screw it up or nothing to damage the walls. I am installing 4×3 panels sound of a place I am renting my study and I can not screw into the wall. Me like other options to hang my sound panels. Moreover,...
Read MoreThis question is from Dave S. a student at Berklee in Boston: I just got a mic and pop filter boomstand (clamp). But cant tell where I’m supposed to tighten the filter anti-pop. And how far from the vocalist should it be? No matter where the pop-filter is on the mic stand – the extent to which lies between the mouth and the microphone so that can do its...
Read MoreART Tube MP Microphone Preamp Ok Ok, this guy is a bit dorky, but he does help you understand the basics of what to look for when purchasing a Mic Pre. We could go on for days about Micropohne Preamps, but figured we would start with the ART.
Read MoreSo far we have been impressed by most of the the products that Native-Instruments offers, and expect this to be even more impress ive! KOMPLETE makes a dramatic breakthrough. The world’s leading pro studio bundle of instruments and effects now comes in two sizes: KOMPLETE 8 — the quintessential production package loaded with even more content at the same great...
Read MoreEvent 20/20BAS Studio Monitors The Event 20/20BAS studio monitor started an industry revolution in the mid 1990s. Never before had such transparency and definition been made available to such a wide range of artists and engineers. Since that time the 20/20s have gone down in history as a cult speaker, one that many internationally-recognised engineers, producers and...
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